1. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding TCM English terms given in the box.

1)问寒热inquiry about cold and heat
2)恶寒aversion to cold
3)畏寒fear of cold
5)恶寒发热aversion to cold with fever
6)但热不寒fever without chills
7)但寒不热chills without fever
8)潮热tidal fever
9)微热mild fever
10)身热不扬unsurfaced fever
11)骨蒸潮热bone-steaming tidal fever
12)五心烦热vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles
13)手足心热heat in the palms and soles
14)手足厥冷reversal cold of the extremities
15)寒热往来alternating chills and fever
16)外寒内热external cold and interior heat
17)多汗;大汗profuse sweating
18)自汗spontaneous sweating
19)盗汗sleep sweating
20)绝汗expiry sweating

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