2. Match the medical terms in English in the left column with the ones in Chinese in the right column.

K1)shiver sweatingA.阴汗
B2)sweating from the hands and feetB.手足汗
G3)sweating from the armpitsC.固定痛
A4)genital sweatingD.乏力
C5)fixed painE.胀痛
O6)absence of sweatingF.灼痛
D7)lack of strengthG.腋汗
Q8)profuse dreamingH.绞痛
J9)hypochondriac painL.刺痛
E11)distending painK.战汗
I12)stabbing painL.闷痛
F13)scorching painM.酸痛
H14)gripping painN.腰痛
S15)pulling painO.无汗
T16)scurrying painP.游走痛
L17)oppressive painQ.多梦
M18)aching painR.阵发痛
P19)wandering painS.掣痛
R20)paroxysmal painT.窜痛

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