3. Translate the following terms in Chinese into English.
1) | 持续痛 | persistent pain |
2) | 项背拘急 | contracture of the nape and neck |
3) | 目昏 | blurred vision |
4) | 耳鸣 | tinnitus |
5) | 纳呆 | torpid intake |
6) | 消谷善饥 | swift digestion with rapid hungering |
7) | 口苦 | bitter taste in the mouth |
8) | 口涩 | astringent taste in the mouth |
9) | 暧气 | belching |
10) | 心悸 | palpitation |
11) | 心慌 | flusteredness |
12) | 大便自利 | spontaneous diarrhea |
13) | 泻下不爽 | ungratifying diarrhea |
14) | 里急后重 | tenesmus |
15) | 五更泄 | fifth-watch diarrhea |
16) | 便溏 | sloppy stool |
17) | 大便滑脱 | fecal incontinence |
18) | 小便涩痛 | difficult painful urination |
19) | 小便淋漓 | dribbling urination |
20) | 阳痿 | impotence |
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