Yin-Yang Pattern Differentiation
New Terms, Phrases and Expressions
The common words that form TCM terms in this section are listed below. Please translate the example terms in the places provided.
Term | Meaning | Example and Its Translation |
congeal | 凝结 |
yang deficiency with congealing phlegm ____ pattern of congealing cold with qi stagnation ____ 寒凝胞宫证 ____ |
damage | 伤 |
yang damage pattern ____ 伤阴证 ____ |
dual deficiency | 两虚 |
pattern of dual deficiency of yin and yang ____ 心脾两虚证 ____ |
with | 伴有 |
pattern of yin deficiency with internal heat ____ 阴虚火旺证 ____ pattern of yin exuberance with yang debilitation ____ pattern of yang deficiency with congealing cold ____ |
repel | 排斥,格 |
pattern of exuberant yin repelling yang ____ 阳盛格阴证 ____ |
fail to | 不能 |
pattern of clear yang failing to ascend ____ → ascend: 上升 脾不统血证 ____ pattern of kidney failing to receive qi ____ |