2. Match the medical terms in English in the left column with the ones in Chinese in the right column.

O1)intense lung heat patternA.痰浊阻肺证
I2)pattern of phlegm-heat obstructing the lungB.肺燥肠闭证
A3)pattern of phlegm turbidity obstructing the lungC.脾虚气陷证
B4)pattern of lung dryness with intestinal obstructionD.脾失健运证
D5)pattern of spleen failing in transportationE.脾虚动风证
P6)pattern of spleen failing to control the bloodF.湿热蕴脾证
C7)sunken spleen qi patternG.脾胃不和证
L8)pattern of spleen deficiency with dampness encumbranceH.脾胃湿热证
E9)pattern of spleen deficiency with stirring of windI.痰热闭肺证
S10)pattern of spleen deficiency with water floodJ.瘀阻胃络证
K11)pattern of cold-dampness encumbering the spleenK.寒湿困脾证
F12)pattern of dampness-heat in the spleenL.脾虚湿困证
H13)pattern of dampness-heat in the spleen and stomachM.肠热腑实证
G14)spleen-stomach disharmony patternN.血虚肠燥证
J15)pattern of (blood) stasis in the stomach collateralO.肺热炽盛证
N16)pattern of blood deficiency and intestinal drynessP.脾不统血证
T17)pattern of cold stagnating in stomach and intestinesQ.肠道湿热证
Q18)intestinal dampness-heat patternR.胃肠气滞证
M19)pattern of intestinal heat and bowel excessS.脾虚水泛证
R20)gastrointestinal qi stagnation patternT.寒滞胃肠证

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