1. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding TCM English terms given.
1) | 穴 | acupuncture point |
2) | 井穴 | well point |
3) | 揿针 | thumbtack needle |
4) | 耳针 | ear acupuncture |
5) | 特定穴 | specific point |
6) | 经穴 | river point |
7) | 皮内针 | intradermal needle |
8) | 皮肤针 | dermal needle |
9) | 合穴 | sea point |
10) | 经外奇穴 | extra point |
11) | 头针 | scalp acupuncture |
12) | 荥穴 | brook point |
13) | 腧穴 | stream point |
14) | 经穴 | meridian point |
15) | 五腧穴 | five transport points |
1) | 八脉交会穴 | confluence points of the eight vessels |
2) | 上下配穴法 | superior-inferior point combination |
3) | 募穴;腹募穴 | alarm point |
4) | 八会穴 | eight meeting points |
5) | 六腑下合穴 | lower sea points of the six bowels |
6) | 络穴 | connecting point |
7) | 原穴 | source point |
8) | 配穴 | point combination |
9) | 左右配穴法 | left-right point combination |
10) | 郄穴 | cleft point |
11) | 交会穴 | crossing point |
12) | 前后配穴法 | anterior-posterior point combination |
13) | 本经配穴法 | point combination of the same meridian |
14) | 阿是穴 | ouch point |
15) | 俞穴;背俞穴 | transport point |
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