2. Match the medical terms in English from the left column with the ones in Chinese in the right column.


E1)exterior-interior point combinationA.远道取穴
B2)source-connecting point combinationB.原络配穴法
H3)selection of adjacent pointsC.双手进针法
K4)selection of local pointsD.舒张进针法
A5)selection of distant pointsE.表里配穴法
M6)needle insertionF.刺手
C7)double-handed needle insertionG.指切进针法
G8)fingernail-pressing needle insertionH.近部取穴
N9)hand-holding needle insertionI.管针进针法
J10)pinching needle insertionJ.提捏进针法
D11)skin-spreading needle insertionK.局部取穴
O12)single-handed needle insertionL.押手
F13)needling handM.进针
I14)insertion of needle with tubeN.挟持进针法
L15)pressing handO.单手进针法


C1)perpendicular insertionA.斜刺
F2)transverse insertionB.得气
A3)oblique insertionC.直刺
D4)needle sensationD.针感
I5)qi arrivalE.捻转法
B6)obtaining qiF.横刺,平刺
O7)hastening qiG.震颤法
M8)needle manipulationH.刮柄法
E9)twirling methodI.气至
N10)lifting-thrusting methodJ.弹柄法
H11)handle-scraping methodK.摇柄法
L12)handle-twisting methodL.搓柄法
K13)handle-waggling methodM.行针
J14)handle-flicking methodN.提插法
G15)trembling methodO.催气

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