1. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding TCM English terms given.

1)治则therapeutic principle
2)正治routine treatment
3)反治paradoxical treatment
4)寒者热之treat cold with heat
5)虚则补之treat deficiency by tonification
6)实则泻之treat excess by purgation
7)塞因塞用treating the stopped by stopping
8)扶正祛邪reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors
9)攻补兼施treat with both elimination and reinforcement
10)异病同治same treatment for different diseases
11)先急后缓treating the acute before the chronic
12)加减方modified formula
13)合方combined formula
14)治法method of treatment
15)发汗解表promote sweating to release the exterior
16)祛风dispel wind

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