2. Match the medical terms in English from the left column with the ones in Chinese in the right column.
G | 1) | disperse wind and discharge heat | A. | 泻火 |
N | 2) | diffuse the lung to suppress cough and to calm panting | B. | 泻下逐水 |
A | 3) | purge fire | C. | 芳香化湿 |
E | 4) | clear heat to cool the blood | D. | 调和肝脾 |
J | 5) | clear heat and drain dampness | E. | 清热凉血 |
P | 6) | discharge fire with bitter-cold | F. | 利水渗湿 |
B | 7) | expel water by purgation | G. | 疏风泄热 |
K | 8) | soften hardness with purgation | H. | 软坚化痰 |
O | 9) | harmonize qi and blood | I. | 清热化湿 |
D | 10) | harmonize the liver and spleen | J. | 清热利湿 |
L | 11) | harmonize and release the exterior and interior | K. | 泻下软坚 |
C | 12) | resolve dampness with aroma | L. | 和解表里 |
I | 13) | clear heat and resolve dampness | M. | 降逆止咳平喘 |
F | 14) | induce diuresis to drain dampness | N. | 宣肺止咳平喘 |
M | 15) | downbear counterflow to suppress cough and calm panting | O. | 调和气血 |
H | 16) | soften hardness and resolve phlegm | P. | 苦寒泄火 |
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