
New Terms, Phrases and Expressions

The common words that form TCM terms in this section are listed below. Please translate the example terms in the places provided.

Term Meaning Example and Its Translation
innate 先天 先天之气 ____
innate essence ____
acquired 后天 后天之气 ____
acquired essence ____
homogeny 同源 homogeny of liver and kidney ____
homogeny of essence and blood ____
gate life gate fire ____
→ life: (生)命
qi gate ____
Another name for sweat pore.
fire 虚火 ____
→ 虚:deficiency
sovereign* fire ____
Another name for heart fire, in contrast to the ministerial fire.*
qi healthy qi ____
ancestral qi ____
source 原(元)气 ____
source point ____
→ point: 穴
defense (防)卫 defense aspect ____
→ aspect: 方面;部分
卫气 ____
transformation (转)化 气化 ____
transportation and transformation ____
→ transportation: (转)运
qi dynamic 气机 气机失调 ____
→ 失调:disorder
qi dynamic stagnation ____
→ stagnation: 淤滞
stagnate 瘀,滞 qi stagnation due to cold congealing ____
→ congeal: 凝(滞)
cold stagnating in the liver vessel ____
ascending counterflow (上)逆 liver qi ascending counterflow ____
stomach qi ascending counterflow ____
肝气横逆 is usually translated as "transverse invasion of liver qi".