
Each meridian has its particular course and gives rise to particular signs and symptoms when it is diseased.

Each meridian has its own specific course with acupuncture points on them. The twelve meridians, also the conception vessel and governor vessel, and their acupuncture points, can be used to treat diseases of their related organs and tissues. For example, the lung meridian and the acupuncture points on the meridian can be used to treat lung diseases, pain in the shoulder, and anterior and lateral side of the arm. Because of limited space in this chapter, however, only heart meridian, stomach meridian and conception vessel are going to be discussed.

Heart Meridian (HT)

The heart meridian originates in the heart, descends* internally past the diaphragm* and connects with the small intestine. The cardiac* branch ascends* internally parallel to* the esophagus and terminates* at the eye. The main branch leaves the heart, traverses* the lung and emerges* superficially in the midaxilla at jiguan (HT1)* and descends along the ulnar* side of the forearm medially*, terminating at shaochong (HT9)* on the radial* side of the tip of the small finger. That is where the meridian links with the small intestine of hand greater yang. There are nine acupuncture points on either side along the meridian.

The signs and symptoms of heart meridian disease are mainly dry throat, thirst with desire for drink, hypochondriac pain, pain in the medial and anterior* side of the upper limb and palm, palpitation, heart pain, restlessness, insomnia, profuse dreaming, amnesia, loss of consciousness, derangement, and bound or intermittent pulse.

Stomach Meridian (ST)

The stomach meridian originates internally at the lateral edge of the nose (the yingxiang point*, point LI20), then continues to ST1 at the inferior* border of the orbit*, descends to the upper gum, courses* around the mouth, and travels up to ST8 at the hairline of the temple. From here it continues internally to terminate at GV24. The facial branch descends from ST5 where it turns internally and descends past the diaphragm to connect with the stomach and spleen. The supraclavicular fossa* branch descends along the midclavicular line* to ST30 in the inguinal region*, then anteriorly* along the lateral margin of the femur* to the patella*, terminating at ST45 on the lateral side of the tip of the second toe. The gastric branch descends internally past the umbilicus* and terminates at ST30. The tibial* branch leaves ST36 and descends along the fibula*, terminating at the lateral side of the tip of the middle toe. The dorsal* foot branch leaves ST42 and descends to the medial side of the great toe at SP1, where the meridian connects with spleen meridian of foot greater yin. There are 45 acupuncture points on either side of the body along this meridian.

The signs and symptoms of stomach meridian disease include fever, sore throat, epistaxis, gum pain, deviated eye and mouth; pain in the chest, lateral side of the lower limbs and instep, pain and /or numbness or inhibited movement of foot and second toe; stomach ache, vomiting, swift digestion with rapid hungering, abdominal distention and fullness, edema, susceptibility to fright, and even mental disorder.

Conception Vessel (CV)

The conception vessel is one of eight extra meridians. It originates in the lower abdomen, exists at huiyin (CV1)*, a point in the center of perineum*, and ascends the midline of the abdominal wall and chest to chengjiang (CV24)*, midpoint of the mentolabial sulcus*. The internal portion of this meridian ascends from this point, encircling the mouth and traveling to the eyes. Another branch travels internally from the pelvic cavity* and ascends the spine to the throat. The main functions of the meridian are: regulating qi and blood in yin meridians and dominating uterus and pregnancy.

The pattern of obstruction of the conception vessel is marked by amenorrhea, sterility, white leukorrhea, lower abdominal mass formation and distended wandering pain, and distended pain in the testicle.

The pattern of conception vessel deficiency is marked by threatened abortion, bearingdown and distended sensation of lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding, even abortion, or delayed menses, dizziness or dizzy vision, soreness and weakness of loins and knees and weak fine pulse.