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Acupuncture point study is the branch of acupuncture dealing with the study of the location, action and indication of acupuncture points and their related theories.
An acupuncture point is the point where a needle is inserted and manipulated in acupuncture therapy. The points are the surface spots of the body where the qi of the viscera and bowels gathers through the meridians and collaterals. Under pathological conditions, disorders of the viscera and bowels can be reflected on certain acupoints of the meridians and collaterals, and stimulation of the acupoints can regulate the function of the corresponding viscera. Acupuncture points can be classified into four categories as listed in Fig. 13-1.
This chapter will only discuss acupoints briefly, and for further knowledge, you can refer to the following websites:
Fig. 13-1 Four types of acupoints